CERN-Solvay student camps offer 30 high-school students the opportunity to spend one week on CERN’s campus as an international group, each participant coming from a different country, including Belgium.
The camps feature an array of engaging activities, including:
- Hands-on laboratory workshops in our new science center, Science Gateway
- Visits of CERN’s accelerators and detectors, such as ATLAS, CMS or the Antimatter Factory
- Lectures and Q&A sessions with CERN scientists, offering research insights and career advice
- Working in small groups for one day in a physics or engineering lab at CERN
- Cultural exchange with like-minded students from all corners of the world.
Applications for the next two camps are open until 15 January 2024. Those camps will take place from 25 May – 1 June and from 5 – 12 October 2024. Attending the camp is free and we cover accommodation and meals. However, selected students must independently arrange and finance their travel to and from CERN. Funds are available to provide travel grants for a select number of students.
To be eligible, students must:
- Be at least 16 years old when applying
- Be enrolled in high-school when applying
- Have a good knowledge of English
- Have completed the online course of the CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
To find out more and apply, visit our website.
Students from the first edition of this camp have described it as “the best week of [their] life”, an “unforgettable” experience which “inspired” and “amazed” them, and during which they made “friends for life”. This could be the event which changes the career of your students!